The stages are closed because of Corona and the three Chekhov sisters Olga, Masha and Irina are "unplayed" and virtually unemployed. Therefore, they sit on your country estate, drink vodka and are bored. Fortunately, they don't stay alone. In each of the episodes, an iconic theatrical character joins them in an attempt to escape their literary fate. A meet & greet with the German educational canon: humorous, poetic, political.
Actresses Eva Maria Sommersberg (also director and screenwriter), Agnes Mann and Alina Rank share the fate of their characters. Cold-called by Corona, they used their time for a crowdfunding campaign to finance "Wodkavariationen" and get it off the ground. A serial virtue born out of Corona necessity, it takes us through theatrical history with great ingenuity and changing sets. And that without leaving the place of the common drunkenness...