Except for the fact that they are bloodsucking vampires, the family clan of grandfather Slava is actually quite normal. They even have a policewoman among their ranks, and for philanthropic reasons they don't drink human blood at all. All that changes when a mountain of corpses is discovered near their home in Smolensk. For now the clan becomes the focus of an investigation that permanently threatens the lives of the peace-loving vampires.
The comedic shadows that Taika Waititi casts on an unsophisticated vampire commune in "What We Do in the Shadows" clearly work just as well in the Russian countryside. Because here, too, series creator Alexey Akimov succeeds in portraying his bloodsuckers as victims of an all too often dull everyday life that has little in common with the legends of great power and immortality. On the contrary: vampires are only human. And "The Vampires of Midland" is an entertaining mix of comedy and fantasy, which is also ready to scratch one or the other myth in terms of Russian self-image.