The catastrophe in slow motion goes into the second round: After the inhabitants of the (fictional) North Sea island of Sløborn are decimated by a devastating virus and ultimately turned against each other, a small band of survivors brave the fall of civilization. But even among them, the facade of humanity begins to crumble as the pandemic continues unabated...
It was probably luck rather than precise timing that Christian Alvart was able to cause a stir with this German-Danish co-production in the midst of the Corona crisis. Carried by actors such as Wotan Wilke Möhring, Alexander Scheer and Lea van Acken, the pandemic thriller struck a real chord. Which is why the project, originally planned as a miniseries, may now find its continuation on ZDFneo. (Hopefully) different from Pandemic, which, as if by chance, held the whole world in suspense at the same time...