Think Tank Session "The Future is Artificial"

On Wednesday June 5th Seriencamp Conference invites a diverse group of writers, producers, artists, decision-makers and lawyers to the think tank session “The Future is Artificial? - Ethics, Legality and Creativity in the Age of Generative AI”.

During this year’s Seriencamp Conference we pick up the thread of our Think Tank session "Generative AI in Film & Series" that started in February at EFM at Berlinale.

On Wednesday June 5th Seriencamp Conference invites a diverse group of writers, producers, artists, decision-makers and lawyers to the think tank session “The Future is Artificial? - Ethics, Legality and Creativity in the Age of Generative AI”. With the aim to foster exchange and discussion around the application of a technology that will radically change the way we work and what we will watch, the impact of AI may already be felt, the discourse around should be promoted strongly.

The topics for the second Think Tank Session are…

Bias in Generative AI and Curative AI as Challenge for Discoverability:
AI-driven content discovery systems can engrain biases, favoring mainstream languages and larger countries. Addressing these biases is essential to ensure diverse and equitable media representation, enabling films and series from smaller nations and linguistic groups to gain rightful visibility and accessibility.

New Challenges in Contracts through AI for Producers, Writers, and Agents:
The integration of AI into creative processes challenges traditional contract norms and intellectual property rights, necessitating updates to how contributions are recognized and compensated. Discussions must focus on adapting contracts to fairly address the roles of AI in content creation and protect the rights of human creators.

The Need for New Regulations on the Use of Generative AI Systems:
As AI reshapes the economic landscape of the film industry, there is a pressing need for regulations to prevent a race to the bottom in cost-cutting and to protect traditional
revenue streams. Stakeholders must consider whether to approach these challenges through regulatory frameworks or ethical guidelines.

Funding AI in Films:
Film funding bodies face the challenge of adapting to technologies that could significantly alter production dynamics and competitive advantages. Discussions should explore how these bodies can support innovations in AI while ensuring that
local film industries remain vibrant and competitive on a global stage.

Location: Pattenhalle, Cologne
Date & Time: Wednesday 5th of June 2024 14:30 to 16:30 CET

There is a limited number of places available for this think tank session. If you are interested, please send an email with the topic you are interested in to ...
This session is created in cooperation with Creative Europe Media Desk NRW

Additional Partners: Creative Europe Desks Berlin-Brandenburg & Munich