The winners of our Story Exchange Award

Meet our Seriencamp Story Exchange Award winners of 2023.

Story Exchange Awards

The SERIENCAMP STORY EXCHANGE is a platform for TV series creators to present their series concepts to an audience of industry experts. The projects selected by our advisory boards compete in three categories: Writers' Vision Pitch, CO-PRODUCTION PITCH and DOCU-SERIES PITCH for our STORY EXCHANGE AWARDS. We have had three inspiring days of Seriencamp Conference and got the chance to listen to all of those great visionaries that pitched in our Seriencamp Story Exchange Sessions. And here are the winners of our Story Exchange awards, sponsored by our amazing partners.

Writers’ Vision Pitch 

The Pretty Original Award, sponsored by Alpha Entertainment /Tellux Group which is all about exploring new frontiers, whether trough theme, choice of narrative perspective or dramaturgy was chosen by Sara Günter (editor and format developer at ZDF Kleines Fernsehspiel and funk), Kirsten Loose (author and dramaturgist) and Josef Lederle (chief editor

The winners of the PRETTY ORIGINAL AWARD, endowed with 2,000 euros, are Judith Rose Gyabaah and Sven Angene. Congratulations!

Next to the Pretty Original Award all participants won the BetaSeries Award which gives all the writers the opportunity to get their concept professionally analyzed by BetaSeries. Offering insights into story concepts and ideas Beatseries market intelligence supports projects in development in pitching processes.

Co-Production Pitch

The Collaborative Future Award sponsored by Yamdu, worth 5,000€, honored our this years’ Co-Production Pitch winners. Yamdu believes in the power of storytelling through collaboration and proudly awarded Georbia Fotou and Mary Kolonia with Babython, produced by Piece of Cake (GR). Congratulations!

Docu-Series Pitch

The Bavaria Visionary Award shines a spotlight on the visionary minds shaping the future of documentary television, celebrating their unique perspectives, compelling narratives, and bold approaches to the art of non-fiction storytelling. The prize is endowed with 5,000€ cash and the opportunity to gain invaluable support and resources by Bavaria Fiction. This years Docu-Series Pitch Award goes to Sylvia Borges and her pitch on the docu-series Schülerinnen*- Report. Congratulations!