
The Conference Program is here!

Only one week left until SERIENCAMP CONFERENCE 2021 starts: After two years, it is finally time for the series industry to meet once again face-to-face at the SERIENCAMP CONFERENCE on 10 November 2021 in Munich.

A brief overview of this year's program:

9:00 - 9:30


Welcome notes from representatives of Seriencamp, FFF Bayern and Telepool.

9:30 - 10:00

Watch & Listen – Best Practices for Transmedia Storytelling between TV series, Podcast and Audiodrama

In a congested content market the new rule is: Reach your audience where ever you can find them and stop thinking in the silos of one medium. Thinking cross-media when creating content means to be able to switch between different modes of storytelling and finding touching points between audiovisual and audio. Apple TV’s CALLS, based on a Canal+ Original, turns TV series in an animated audiodrama, while Bayerischer Rundfunk’s „3 Frauen, 1 Auto“ (3 Women, 1 Car) cleverly expands its storytelling between radio and short from series.

What are the challenges of crossing these storytelling boundaries? What are the does and don’ts when creating content that goes crossmedial? And why is audio content becoming so important to consider?


Timothée Hochet, creator of CALLS (Canal+ // Apple TV)

Maren Knieling, producer for BAVARIA FICTION

10:00 - 10:30

Screens and Stages – The Rise of Virtual Production and the Future of Productions

Big budget productions like Disney’s „THE MANDAOLRIAN“ and Netflix’s „1899“ show the way into the future of productions. As various mixed media stages and virtual production facilities of various scope are being built around Europe, the way into the future seems clear: Digital technology will change the way films and series are produced in numerous ways. The emergence of new workflows, new creative freedoms and cost efficiency are some of the points to consider. Beyond that, virtual production facilities may turn location policies into technological arms race.

What do these technological developments mean for producers and writers? What kind of technological literacy will be needed to efficiently work with them? And which factors will be crucial for local players to compete on an international level?


Friedelm Bixschlag (Managing Director | Bavaria Studios)

Thomas Ganshorn (Director of Software/Lead Software Architect |  Eyeline Studios)

10:30 - 11:00 BREAK

11:00 - 11:30

Focus on South-East Europe

Two years ago, SERIENCAMP CONFERENCE focused on the state of serial storytelling productions in Southeast Europe, Ukraine, Russia and Poland. The steps taken in the last few months have been huge, as an influx of high-quality content from the regions has shown. Time to re-visit the region of South-East Europe and offer an in-depth look: What kind of productions are coming from there? How do they compare internationally? Which role will the region play as a co-production partner?


Nebojsa Taraba (Producer | Drugi Plan)

Uros Tomic (Writer & Director)

11:30 - 12:15

Influence Me! – How to Catch an Audience’s Attention in 2022

Latest figures from the US, Asia and Europe show an interesting trend: Younger audiences drift away from traditional audiovisual entertainment like movies and series; video games, music and social media seems to compete rather successfully for the screen time of Generation Z and Generation Alpha. One possible solution for the dilemma seems obvious: Put the stars of the internet – it’s influencers, world-renowned gamers and personalities in front of the camera. From Hollywood blockbusters like FREE GUY to German coming of age-series like STICHTAG to completely new formats that straddle on the divide between fact, fiction and reality television, a trend emerges.

What does this trend mean for local and European productions and its casts? Why does it seem that Germany differs in regard to these new formats very strongly from trends in other parts of the world? What kind of formats will we see in the near future? And what does all of this have to do with the success of K-pop bands?


Clare Thompson (Non-Executive Director | K7 Media)

Dr. Christoph Schneider (Managing Director | Amazon Prime Video)

Thomas Münzner (Director Content Acquisition & Original Production | Joyn)

12:15 - 14:00 LUNCH BREAK

14:00 - 14:50

Quo Vadis Europa? – Local Productions in a Global Media Landscape

The pandemic has acted as an accelerator for the market forces at work on the global and local scale: New players, in the form of increasingly vertically integrated media companies, have entered the market, while viewers continue to shift towards OTT services and streaming offers. Not only has the competition between players for market shares become stronger, competing for screen time with games and social media – especially in younger demographics – seems a growing challenge. At the same time, the competition for talent with a distinct voice to create content that stands out in a media landscape overflowing with content, seems to get fiercer.

In the light of these international and national developments: Where do local productions stand and what is their role in a market where global audiences have escalated the cost of success and failure? What role do German series play in the content strategies of international media companies and what kind of content and formats are especially sought after? What major role do local public broadcasters play in these shifting media landscape? And how can one attract fresh talent, stand out and make an impact?


Jane Millichip (Chief Content officer | Sky Studios)

Jan Frouman (CEO | Telepool)

Marcus Ammon (Managing Director Content | Bavaria Fiction )

14:50 - 17:45

Work in Progress

From star-studded miniseries to creepy horror, from historical spy thriller to eagerly awaited format adaptation – WORK IN PROGRESS offers an in-depth preview of exciting new series productions from Germany. In collaboration with, hosted by Thomas Lückerath.

The following projects will be presented by their creators:

EUER EHREN (ARD Degeto, ORF, Square One, Mona Film)

Al Munteanu (Chief Executive Officer | Square One)


Surprise guests

SOULS (Sky, Geißendörfer Film- und Fernsehproduktion)

Alex Eslam (Creator, Writer & Director)

Lucia Vogdt (Executive Producer | Sky Originals Scripted)

Malte Can (Executive Producer | Geißendörfer Pictures)

16:00 - 16:25 BREAK


Alisa Müller (Producer | UFA)

Caroline von Senden (Editor | ZDF)

Lorna Ishema (Actress)

Benjamin Benedict (CEO & Executive Producer | UFA Fiction)

BONN (ARD, Leonine Studios)

Mercedes Müller (Actress)

Mischa Hofmann (Managing Director & Producer | Odeon Fiction)

KITZ (Netflix, Leonine Studios)

Caro Biesenbach (Editor)

Vitus Reinbold (Showrunner & Producer | Odeon Fiction)

Nikolaus Schulz-Dornburg (Showrunner & Head Writer)


Vanessa Kloth (Commissioning Editor | RTL Germany)

David Helmut (Director, Writer & Actor)

Simon Amberger (Producer | Neue Super)

17:45 END

Limited tickets are available here: 
